Outdoor Education
Lack of exposure to outdoor activities, particularly outdoor education, is a significant barrier to promoting racial and ethnic diversity in STEM. While several factors, such as cost and access, limit the availability of outdoor education, a critical component is the lack of safe spaces for POC students. Moreover, the lack of opportunities to engage with scientists of color who share similar personal identities can exacerbate this. Being exposed to and connecting with the outdoors, while learning from scientists of color, is one of many first steps in attempting to close the gaps in representation.
To tackle this issue, I have created an equitable and inclusive outdoor learning program that can be translated into other areas. The ultimate goal of this program is to serve underserved communities, such as those that may be racially/ethnically or economically overlooked. Click below to learn more!
To tackle this issue, I have created an equitable and inclusive outdoor learning program that can be translated into other areas. The ultimate goal of this program is to serve underserved communities, such as those that may be racially/ethnically or economically overlooked. Click below to learn more!
P.E.N. (People of Color Engaging with Nature)
Demystifying Academia
As a graduate student, navigating graduate school can present its own unique trials and tribulations. Before individuals get here though, they must get over the hurdle of applying to graduate school. A lot of the success in this process, like most success in academia, lies behind a wall. Over this wall, one finds the “Hidden Curriculum of Academia”. Here, you learn things such as how to contact faculty members for research positions, what skills you should be building to look, and where to find funding. This knowledge, and the skills associated with them, are foundational in having success in graduate school and beyond. I worked alongside researchers and staff to create an infographic that shares critical information for individuals seeking graduate programs, particularly those who are first-generation and historically underrepresented that may lack these resources and/or knowledge, that can be easily read and shared.
The manuscript associated with this has been published. Click the button below to read it!
I also co-founded an undergraduate mentorship program at University of California, Berkeley within the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management entitled "Real Talk Buddies" which contributes to demystifying academia. Read more here.
The manuscript associated with this has been published. Click the button below to read it!
I also co-founded an undergraduate mentorship program at University of California, Berkeley within the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management entitled "Real Talk Buddies" which contributes to demystifying academia. Read more here.