Preprints (what's that?):
van der Marel, A, X Francis, CL O’Connell, CO Estien, C Carminito, & EA Hobson. Perturbations of key individuals trigger shifts in group-level dominance patterns. (In Review)
Estien, CO. Queering ecology: (Re)Constructing ecology as a home to better understand the social-ecological pressures of wildlife. (In Review). Preprint: *link to Sierra Magazine Coverage
van der Marel, A, X Francis, CL O’Connell, CO Estien, C Carminito, & EA Hobson. Perturbations of key individuals trigger shifts in group-level dominance patterns. (In Review)
Estien, CO. Queering ecology: (Re)Constructing ecology as a home to better understand the social-ecological pressures of wildlife. (In Review). Preprint: *link to Sierra Magazine Coverage
Coming soon(ish)!
12. Moore, A, K Calhoun, CE Wilkinson, E Alford, A Ellington, CO Estien, GS Fleury, N Garcia, A Hicks, C Mosley, N Vitale-Penniman. Queer Black Voices in Conservation. In Press at Conservation Biology.
12. Moore, A, K Calhoun, CE Wilkinson, E Alford, A Ellington, CO Estien, GS Fleury, N Garcia, A Hicks, C Mosley, N Vitale-Penniman. Queer Black Voices in Conservation. In Press at Conservation Biology.
*signifies equal authorship/contribution
*signifies equal authorship/contribution
11. Estien, CO*, EJ Carlen*, CJ Schell. Examining the influence of sociodemographics, residential segregation, and historical redlining on eBird and iNaturalist data disparities in three US cities. Ecology & Society. [PDF]
10. Estien, CO, M Fidino, CE Wilkinson, R Morello-Frosch, CJ Schell. Historical redlining is associated with disparities in wildlife biodiversity in four California cities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [PDF] 9. Williams, TD, SES Kreling, LA Stanton, CE Wilkinson, CO Estien, CJ Schell, & EJ Carlen. Of Rarity and Symbolism: Understanding Human Social Perceptions of Charismatics Color Morphs. Human Ecology. [PDF] 8. Carlen, EJ*, CO Estien*, T Caspi, DJ Perkins, B Goldstein, SES Kreling, Y Hentati, TD Williams, LA Stanton, S Des Roches, R Johnson, A Young, C Cooper, & CJ Schell. A framework for contexualizing social-ecological biases in contributory science data. People & Nature. [PDF] 7. Estien, CO, CE Wilkinson, R Morello-Frosch, & CJ Schell. Historical redlining is associated with disparities in environmental quality across California. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. [PDF] |
6. van der Marel, A, X Francis, CL O’Connell, CO Estien, C Carminito, D Moore, N Lormand, BM Kluever, & EA Hobson. Social manipulations disentangle rank effects of individual characteristics and social history. Behavioral Ecology. [PDF]
5. Cheng, SJ, KM Gaynor, A Moore, K Darragh, CO Estien, JW Hammond, C Lawrence, K Mills, M Biaz, D Ignace, L Khadempour, M McCary, MM Rice, SJ Tumber-Davila, & J Smith. Championing Inclusive Terminology in Ecology and Evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution [PDF] |
4. Estien, CO, CL O’Connell, X Francis, G Smith-Vidaurre, BM Kluever, EA Hobson, & A van der Marel. 2022. Temporary behavioral responses to playbacks by pest parrots and implications for management. Animal Behavior & Cognition, 9(4), 363-384. [PDF]
3. Estien, CO, M Chapman, CJ Schell, N Lowy, & JR Gerson. 2022. Demystifying the graduate school application process. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. [PDF] 2. Estien, CO, B Quintana, & D Olivares-Zambrano. 2022. Reimagining the Broader Impact Criterion in the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Frontiers in Education. 7:977836. [PDF] *link to Inside HigherEd Magazine Coverage |
1. Estien, CO*, EB Myron*, CA Oldfield, and A Alwin. 2021. Virtual Scientific Conferences: Benefits and How to Support Underrepresented Students. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 102(2):e01859. [PDF] [Poster for 2021 Animal Behavior Conference]
Media Articles:
9. Social-Ecological Framework and What the Future May Hold. Life in the City: Evolution in an Urbanizing World. 2022/05/26
8. What's Missing in Urban Ecology? Life in the City: Evolution in an Urbanizing World. 2022/05/10 |
7. Urban Wildlife Spotlight: The Monk Parakeet. Life in the City: Evolution in an Urbanizing World. 2021/09/02
6. How Do We Begin To Center Environmental Justice in Urban Ecology Research? Life in the City: Evolution in an Urbanizing World. 2021/08/17 5. Incorporating Human Society into Urban Ecology. Life in the City: Evolution in an Urbanizing World. 2021/01/06 |
4. Urban Tolerance is Predicted by Brain Size and Behavioral Flexibility. Life in the City: Evolution in an Urbanizing World. 2020/10/06
3. Systemic Racism Shapes Urban Ecology and Evolution. Life in the City: Evolution in an Urbanizing World. 2020/09/08 2. Understanding the Distribution of Urban-Rat Associated Pathogens. Life in the City: Evolution in an Urbanizing World. 2020/09/01 1. Using Acoustic Signals to Reduce Avian Collisions with Man-made Structures. Life in the City: Evolution in an Urbanizing World. 2020/08/04 |
Header image by Sam Hobson